Monday, September 7, 2009

New Year, New...

...students. I went online to check out my classes before the first day of school. I don't really have a good reason to do this since they are all new to the school and none of them are legendary yet. I just read the names and look for crazy ones, and try to figure out if there are any huge troublemakers just by looking at their names. "Brian, no that should be fine. Stephanie, okay. Michael...I've had trouble with Michaels in the past..." I don't know why I do it, but I can't help it. In other news, I have a Betsy in my class this year. 1955 called, and they want their student back.

...clothes. I have acquired various work clothes over the summer that I have yet to wear. It's always fun to think about wearing new clothes, and it gives me false hope that I will look great everyday, all year. "I'll only wear jeans on Fridays. I will totally iron that button-down shirt so I can wear it more often this year." And even now, I think "but maybe this is the year where those things will be true!" Stay tuned blog readers.

...responsibilities. This year I am still the yearbook adviser, but I have finally agreed to sell ads, which means more work for me. And I feel like I need to make an ever-improving yearbook. The pressure's on. Also, I am the English department chair this year, which means working with all the teachers and running meetings and for right now, figuring out what else I am supposed to be doing. I really have very little idea. This should be fun.

1 comment:

  1. How interesting to see things from this viewpoint. By the way, hilarious Betsy comment.
