Thursday, December 31, 2009

You Say You Want a Resolution...

In 2010 I will....

...stop cursing. It's not like I go crazy, but like I tell my students, there are better ways to express yourself.
...shampoo my makeup brushes once a month. I am terrible about this, and it's not that difficult. Once a month is probably not ideal, but it's a start. more positive about relationships. I wrote down affirmations for when I get in my negative mood about it, and I will not harbor negative thoughts.
...start my house down payment fund.
...have 100 no drive days, meaning I will walk, carpool, or ride my bike rather than use my car. It's green, it saves money on gas, and it makes me exercise.
...complete my secondary credential in English.

1 comment:

  1. ...hang out with Rachel Sovilla again someday. And all the jr. high staff, if we can swing it.
