Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Books, books, books.

Today, the Carnegie poetry books arrived. The students submitted poems, I typed them all (or most of them. A few of them were high tech and gave them to me on a flash drive), and had them printed via The book is called Mind & Soul. It came out pretty nicely. Check it out here:

The kids who are in the book get a free copy, thanks to a grant that we received. Wesley yelled about a hundred times, "I'm on page 23!" Stephanie keeps reading hers while she's supposed to be doing other work in history (which I am benig nice about, but making her do her work.) To be honest, putting the book together was a big pain, as is opening the boxes of each set of 10, which are double wrapped in plastic. BUT, I must be cliche and say that seeing the kids get excited makes all the hard work worth it.

Now, I must go and finish getting them distributed, since my yearbooks are due to arrive tomorrow. It's a busy week!

1 comment:

  1. Aww, it must be nice to have more rewarding moments at work than "wow, I just met that deadline on time!" I mean, helping kids take pride in their work is a pretty important and satisfactory task, and it's great that you're enjoying such rewards despite all the chaos of the end of the year.

    Also, my verification is evilin, but I see no evilin this blog!
